The dock was originally on the downtown waterfront serving the US
Coast Guard for 30 years. When it was declared "unworthy" 20 years
ago, it started it's next life, ultimately towed into Tee Harbor where
it washed up on the beach near what is now the Log Lodge. I acquired
it with the property and after much internal debate; destroy, rebuild,
destroy, rebuild.... I decided it was easier to rebuild. Though
fully waterlogged and awash, we pulled the rescued styrofoam from the
cold storage plant that burned downtown years ago underneath in one
"hail Mary" attempt to fix... it worked. We floated it into
position, drove piling to secure, and connected to another rescued
floating dock from Taku Harbor to create the Williwaws Dock. However,
it is still old wood and in need of constant attention to preserve.
This year it fell to Steve, the new dockmaster in my absence. He and
Cedar cleared the deck and spent a long day with a powerful pressure
sprayer to blast out all the grass, rot, worms and otter shit. The
result, a dock alive and ready again to serve the maritime inclined.
What a beauty she is.
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